
Welcome to our blog. I don't have time to post all the time, but do keep things updated here and there. Enjoy some of our crazy stories of life! Labels, followers and Archive are at the bottom of our blog now. Be sure to also check out the different pages too.


Christmas Eve: December 24th Christmas Day: December 25th!! Kids go back to school: January 4th

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sarah's Foot Recovery

It's day 2 of recovery and ugh it's long. Yesterday my parents were over with the kids and made dinner. I slept a lot, the meds make me tired which is fine and I normally don't get much sleep. Jay was a big help by getting things, ice packs, drinks, food, etc. I did have a fever of 100.6 last night so on top of pain meds I took Tylenol as well. From all the sleeping I was up at 3am, so I did some scrapbooking on the computer.

I have been camping out on the couch all day and night. Can't go anywhere except for the potty, which is a chore in itself! Trying to get around toys, moving stools, etc. Bella was a huge help today when I went to brush my teeth, she got me a towel, put my brushes away, etc. My little nurse!!

I'm losing my voice and I don't know why? I'm thinking it's from stress, this dang FL weather too that can't decide what it's doing. My foot is still hurting and throbbing. I took a picture again today, not sure if you'll see much of a difference since it's still bandaged up. For some reason my ankle is hurting too. Oh the pains of getting better.

I'm looking forward to Christmas tomorrow, a very different one since I can't participate like I normally do, I hope that the twins don't run Jay down like they already have, but that's normal for them! LOL! Have a wonderful Christmas and I'll keep you updated on my progress.

Here is my foot on Weds. yep can't tell much but it is definitely swollen!
Here is my foot today, Thursday, I put my other foot next to it so you can kinda see the difference.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sarah's foot surgery

Yesterday I went in for foot surgery, 12/22/09. I was getting my bunion corrected, some pins/screws put in, etc. They rattle ff all those medical terms it totally confuses me. I had to be there at 7:20am, sat in the prep-area for a long time while they started an IV, asked 100 questions, talk to the anesthesiologist, etc. They had to lay me back with a cold compress because I started to pass out after they gave me the IV, I'm such a wimp! Dr. McRorie came in to also mark my foot and initial it so there were no mistakes. Jay stayed with me till I went into the OR. There was a nice flat panel tv to watch so we watch 'Let's Make a Deal.' Random thought I know.

My surgery was scheduled for 9:20am, they didn't roll me out of the prep area till about 10am. I remember getting wheeled into the OR, transferring to the bed, them strapping me down to the table and that's it. I think I woke up around 1pm, then we left around 2pm or so.

I slept all day yesterday after I ate, I was so hungry. The meds are making me very drowsy and itchy too. The itching is subsiding a bit. It's hard for me to keep my eyes open, but I guess my body needs a rest. Just getting up to go to the bathroom on crutches is a chore and very painful, my foot throbs soooo much, so the couch is very much my best friend right now!!

Jay and I decided to get a new camera as our family Christmas gift so I played with that for a little bit yesterday and today. I will try to take some pictures of my lovely foot. You can't see anything right now because it's all bandaged up! More to come later this week.

Pics from 12-22-2009: Day of Surgery

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Merry Christmas from the Cone Family

Hi family and friends. I didn’t get time to write out our yearly Christmas letter/email this year. It has been full of a lot of activity and I just ran out of time. If I had another set of hands or 2 maybe I could get to it. We hope this finds you in good health and spirits. If you would like to see what we have been up to at anytime please be sure to either Follow Us, or Subscribe to get instant updates!! This is a really easy way to see pics, videos and just random ramblings too.

We are looking forward to having Sarah’s Mom down here permanently and enjoying this upcoming weekend with Adam and his girlfriend Judy in town while we all relax at Disney! Sarah goes in for foot surgery on Dec 22nd, so please pray that everything goes well and she has a good recovery. Full recovery will be 2-3mo. But we know how she is…go go go! Kids are getting excited about Christmas and you can see it in their faces. Jay has done an amazing job this year on Christmas Lights with Light House. Have a wonderful Christmas and New year! Please leave a comment or send us an email anytime!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Parades 2009 - Pictures and Videos

Here are the pictures and videos from our weekend of Parades. We had such a blast and the CAD girls did amazing!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Parades

Yesterday was a very long day!! It was the day of Christmas Parades! I had to teach in the morning, and we weren't too sure if the parades were going to happen it was rainy outside. CAD had an open house that day as well. Quinn got his face painted by miss Diane and he was sooo proud! Bella didn't but did get a snowflake on her hand, and Brinlee was a Mommy's girl!

We did end up doing the Clermont Parade, but was it COLD compared to last year. The kids were shivering, and the dancers did a great job with it being sooo cold!! Jay and Scott looked great in their costumes and as always had a blast. I was upset that after I spent hours sewing the lights onto the velcro they didn't work. I made sure Jay checked them after I sewed them, but then they didn't work. Their wagon looked sooo darn cute, and Brinlee stayed warm and got a free ride with Mommy!!

Leesburg parade was interesting and very very long. With it being cold, us walking a long way to step-off and then waiting in the cold. Parade started at 6pm, we didn't step-off till 7:30pm! Unfortunately we had to wait because a float earlier in the parade collapsed with kids on it. I don't know what happened, but that's what we heard and they did get all the kids out. A lot of people left from watching the parade, but there were still lots of brave people supporting out girls and the rest of the parade!!

We didn't get home till 9:45pm after stopping for some much needed McDonald's. We let the kids camp out in the living room on the floor, I stayed with them and it was fun. Here are some pictures from our very very long day!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The look of Cheer!

Oh yes my favorite time of year I changed up the look of our blog!! Isn't it awesome? I used a kit from MK Designs, her stuff can be found at www.shabbypickle.com for all you scrapbookers out there. It was very cheerful and bright and goes well with the Christmas music that I have for our playlist too.

Well I better go and get the tree decorated, I hope to get out of the house tonight and get a good meal if we can find someone to watch Finna to give her her meds every 2hrs. Long story there, I had a very rough day yesterday and today so I think I need a good meal and a drink! And even better...we have gift cards!

Till next post....Love you all!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Update Here

Thought it was time to do an update for everyone. The holidays are approaching and as always a lot going on. We are getting very excited that my Mom will be finally moving down after 5yrs of not living down here with us. It is said because she is being laid-off from her job, but we will have our family all together! Sorry Quinn and Bella no more airport trips.

Twins: They have been doing good. They are loving their dance classes tremendously, having fun and participating without Mommy in the room. They are currently learning a little holiday dance to show parents the last week of classes before break. Of course I'll videotape and post! Nanny will be able to watch them every week when she is down here and I know they will like that. Quinn has a major attitude that has to be adjusted, or should I say temper! We never want to clean, help pick up, eat and just throw tantrums. I know it's the terrible 3s, but come on! We are slowly getting better, time-outs are happening more often. Bella is little miss bossy! She doesn't like it when she is asking Jay something and I answer for him she says, "Mommy I was talking to Daddy!." OK! When Quinn is bad she is little miss goody-2-shoes. They are both growing fast, as I just cleaned out their closets and drawers and they have like no clothes! Anything 3T is still big but 2T is too small! I do have to say even with their attitudes lately they are very SMART!! They are going to do great in school.

Brinlee: She is progressing so fast! She wants to do everything the twins are doing. She is picking up very fast, even though she can't talk. We are trying to teach her some sign language to help with the understanding of what she wants. She does babble a ton now, and last night she really was saying Mama A LOT!! Her new things she likes to do is play in the toilets, the dogs water bowl and eating crayons! So bathroom doors are now Always shut and trying to keep the crayons out of her mouth, I'm sure we'll see some interesting poopies. She plays well with the twins, and Bella loves to play with her. I am wondering how she will do when the twins go to school next year?

As for Jay and I pretty much the same old stuff. I am teaching now 6 days a week, and trying to get Christmas events/choreography done while also trying to organize and find music for recitals already. I am glad I have this next week off but probably won't get much done...I hope to do the Christmas decorations, clean up the house, bake some cookies for our studio open house, make some bows, and have fun when my mother comes into town at the end of the week! Then come December a lot of Christmas shows with the studios, parades, and wonderful family vacation I'm looking forward to in Dec because Adam and Judy are coming into town too!! Then right before Christmas I'm going in for foot surgery on December 22nd! What a Christmas gift for myself huh? I have to get my bunion fixed, it's been hurting constantly now, and better to get it done before the end of the year. So a long 3mo recovery, with the first 2 weeks doing nothing. Hope that goes well! I will try to keep you updated too.
Jay will be busy with the next week of doing LightHouse installs. Yea for Christmas time! This is our favorite time. He has about the same amount of clients as last year, we are hoping that within the next few years the business will grow.

Be sure to watch HGTV the day after Thanksgiving for a special from Disney. We went to the cast preview of Spectacle of Dancing lights and HGTV was there filming! We might get on we don't know. You won't be able to miss the girls with their BOWS!! At the preview too we got to meet David Bromstad from Color Splash! He is so nice, I wish he could come do a room in my house PLEASE?

I think that is it for now, I will be updating the theme of our blog of course to Christmas soon, yea for a new look and some new slide shows soon too. Sorry for the long post, had to update you on a ton of things.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Having fun with Michelle and John

SO back on Oct 10th, I know a little ways back we went to Disney with John and Michelle. We had a really fun day at Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom! OMG was the day super duper HOT!!! It was like 94 out plus humidity, we were dripping. We went on the safari, Kali River Rapids, yes the twins were tall enough and loved it....Nanny you get to go on it next with them! We then went to MK did Dumbo, Race Cars, Carousel, It's a Small World and watched SpectroMagic. Bella was excited to see Minnie 2 times that day!! We had a lot of fun!! and Mommy too TONS of pictures, so many that I have to post 2 slide shows!!! Here you go enjoy!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thanks Aunt Marlene!

Aunt Marlene sent the kids so fun gifts for Halloween, they love their backpacks, containers, Pez dispensers, robes and everything else! Also thanks for the Red Lobster GC, I can't wait to go eat a yummy meal!!! Here are some pictures...

Halloween 2009

OK I know I posted out-of-order but hey it's posted right? Anyway we had a great time this year for Halloween. Quinn and Bella had a blast running door to door ringing the doorbell to get their candy. It took them awhile to say "Trick-or-Treat" but by the end of the night they did. Quinn even said, "Come on Mommy, I need to get more Candy!"

Brinlee got tired towards the end of the night, and so did Mommy and Daddy. She didn't want to ride in the wagon at all so our arms got a great workout from carrying around 20lbs all night! By the end she was ready to go again...LOL!

They got gift cards to McDonalds from Nanny and Gramps and loved looking at all the candy they got. We got back to Gramps house, had dinner and spent the night. Here are some pictures of the evening, enjoy!

Fun at Fort Wilderness

SO on Sunday November 1st we went to Fort Wilderness to meet some friends, Tracy and David who were staying there. They had a fun little Open Cabin, food, and fun times. It was even warm enough to go swimming, yes swimming! It was 89 out and hot, so off to the pool we went. The kids had a blast in the splash pool, I think we were in there for 2hrs straight and had to pry them away from the pool. Here are some pictures.

Learned something new today!

So I found BRinlee up on the couch, hummmm....she doesn't know how to climb yet, maybe I am wrong and now I'm in trouble!! The video is a little hard to see at first, but it's funny!!

Want a Holiday Christmas Card Custom Design?

I am offering for a very short time $3 for a Christmas/Holiday photo card Design.
Ends on November 14th, 2009!

4x6 or 5x7 custom Christmas/Holiday Card design
-You get to choose colors, theme, and personalization.
-I will modify your design to your liking
-the final card will be emailed to you
-you then can print directly from your printer or take to your favorite photo printing place.

How to order:
1. Email me at scrapoliciousscraps@gmail.com with the following:
Subject line: Holiday Photo Card Order
Name, email address, details on what you would like the Photo card to say, as well as pictures
2. I will then email you with confirmation that I received your order, you will then need to send PayPal payment of $3.
3. Once payment has been received I will start on your design. (Designs will be work on in the order received)
4. You get your custom Holiday Photo card to send out!

Why pay over $20 for a Holiday Photo card Design? I'm in the mood for Christmas! Time is running out!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

First Day of Trick-or-Treating

So last night we took the kids Trick-or-Treat at Downtown Disney. We figured get them out of the house and something to do. They had a lot for the kids to do, ours are still a bit young and shy to do some of the things. They had of course Trick or Treat station, 22 of them, a magician, dance party, stilt walkers, and other fun activities. We walked the entire Downtown Disney Market Place, Pleasure Island and West side and back. They had a ton of fun. There were so many people commenting on their costumes too! We had 2 girls from Japan love them so much they took a picture of the kids!!

By the end of the night they were for sure tired from walking. Here are some pictures, I will have another post after we go Trick-or-Treating tonight!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Minneola Fall Fest - - - WINNERS!

First we went to a Fall Fest at Sweetbay, the local grocery store, they had goodies for the kids, cookie decorating, specials and stuff. They had fun, but we didn't stay long.

We went to the Minneola Fall Fest, CAD was performing so the entire family went, there was food, a small carnival and enteratinment. My students did wonderful for such a tiny stage! There was a costume contest for the kids so of curse I entered in the twins and Brinlee. From the pictures you can see that Quinn was: Peter Pan, Bella was: Wendy (to her TinkerWendy) and Brinlee was: Tinkerbell.

My Mother made the kids costumes, thnks to Emma she let BRinlee borrow her Tinkerbell costume. I of course made some fancey shoes, a matching bow and we customized her wings!! Oh yes she is ready for SPECTROMAGIC! If I had more time the entire costume would have been lit!

For the age group 0-4yrs Brinlee won 1st PLACE!!! They all thoguth they won, they go a basket of goodies, a cool trophy that Quinn had to put in the curio cabinet and a gift certificate to Kandiland Kidz Gym. So cute I must say, she loved those wings, didn't want to take them off at all! WHile my students were dancing she was for sure doing the Brinlee dance on the sidelines and Bella loved watching. (Not sure how the video came out, might post at a later date). We ha a great time, kids had fun....here are the pictures!

Sooo Cool! Snap Capps

So this this little invention is really cool. My Aunt Marlene got these for the kdis for Halloween int heir awesome little backpacks and I was like 'WTH are these?' Thanks to the internet I found out! And SOOO COOL! They are called Snap Caps. You attach them to your can of soda and it turns into a bottle, keeps the carbonation and seals closed. Great for the kids and great for me who can't finish a can of soda!!

Check out their website: http://www.snapcapp.com/

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Diaper Ice Pack

Yes you read that right! I was talking with a mother at one of the studios I teach at. We started talking about kids and the ER, getting hurt etc. Well she told me her mother used to do this, she has done it and it actually saved a 13mo olds finger that got smashed in a door, got cut off and kept it cold while they rushed to the ER and they were able to save the babies finger!

She also said that it's good as an instant ice pack for elbows, knees, shoulders or for a possible broken bone to keep the injury cold until you can get to the doctors office or ER and a great ice pack too!

Here are the simple steps:

1. Take a diaper, must be a disposable.
2. Run it under water, and fill it
3. Place filled diaper in a zip loc bag and put in freezer.
4. It will be there for when you need it in an emergency!

So make sure you go do this, you never know what kids will do!

New Fall Look

SO I finally got a new Florida Fall look to our blog. I couldn't do completely fall theme since we really don't see a change in colors here, which I do miss. So I thought a nice FL fall look with some bright colors would do us well. What do you think? I have figured out how to change the fonts on my scrapbooking blog, but don't have time tonight to do that here, a bit of leg work. Anyway hope you like the new look, there will be another new look for Christmas too!!

Please keep checking back, I have a ton of pictures to share from my birthday, just haven't had time to put a slideshow together.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Get a FREE Snuggie Blanket

OK so on one of my forums that I'm on Kari posted this link to get a Free Snuggie Blanket. You know those ones with the annoying commercials? Anyway looks like you will just have to complete a short servey later and comment on how you like it. Will let you know when I get mine in 6wks. Here is the link, fill it out...FREE is always good!


Friday, October 16, 2009

29 years ago today....

I was born! What a great day today was let me re-cap for you....

I woke up at 4:30am with a horrible migraine had was up for 1 hour. I took 3 Tylenol and went back to sleep finally. Thank goodness my headache went away I wasn't sure how I would make it through the day. I had a house that was quiet, Jay got home from work and went to bed since he worked all night and the kids weer at my Dad's house to make me my Birthday breakfast. I got ready for the day, kids called and wanted me to come up right away! So off I went...

When I didn't even get into the subdivision Bella was calling me already! 'Where are you?' I was like 'OMG give me time to get there.' So they were all excited, Brinlee too and saying 'Happy Birthday!' to me. They said they had a surprise for me in the kitchen. They decorated with balloons and a sign, had the table set and everything. Then they said they had something on the couch for me under the blanket. Well....SURPRISE!! it was my MOM!!! It's hard to keep a secret from me but they did, she flew in from Chicago for the weekend for my Birthday! I was literally in tears.

So we had breakfast, Jay came up about 1hour later. I tried waking him up when I left but he was out cold. But he did make it up. They made me eggs, sausage, orange juice and coffee for breakfast. It was good! We played for a bit and then my Mom, Me and the twins went shopping.
We went to Kohls for some new shoes for the twins, and outfits for pictures for Saturday for our Christmas pictures. We then went to Wal-Mart too for a few things. Then we dropped Bella and Nanny off to get Bella's haircut while I took Quinn back to Nanny and Gramps' house. Then it was GIRL TIME. Nanny, Bella and Me went to get a pedicure and manicure. A treat for my birthday. I haven't had one in a long time and it was nice, Bella was really tired but stuck it out and enjoyed just watching, she didn't want her nails done.

We then got chines food for lunch, and was it good. Haven't had that in a really long time. After eating lunch my Dad and Jay spotted something in the lake behind their house. We so couldn't figure out what the heck it was! My Dad even got out the binoculars. Well the bubbles in the water started getting closer to the edge so they went out on the lanai. We still watched for a few minutes trying to figure it out...well....up pops a Scuba Diver!!! We all burst into tears of laughter!!! He was picking up golf balls that were in the lake. So we definately got a good laugh.

We then packed up and came back home to get dinner ready. I picked up a bit, Brinlee took a nap and Nanny and Gramps came later with the twins. I made cheese fondue and chocolate fondue for dinner. It was SOOOO GOOOOD! I actually can't wait to make it again. Bella beat everyone in Wii Bowling, Adam you would be so proud of her! Michelle and Jason came over as well as Any, Janelle and baby Peyton to join the festivities. We had some yummy Birthday cake too, and Oh do I have great pictures of Brinlee with some cake! So cute!!

I do have to say this was one of the best Birthday's I have had, and some great surprises, smiles, laughter, memories and love. Thanks to all my friends who wished me a Happy Birthday as well today, Love you all. I am now summing up my day here with this post, then going to have my piece of cake finally, I had too much fun watching Brinlee and then cleaning her up I never got any. Then it's off to bed for me, I have to work in the morning. (Yeah still have to think about that yet). Then it's Christmas family pictures tomorrow with Hill's Milestone Photography.

Pics will come later so be watching for a new post. Until the BIG ONE NEXT YEAR!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Eating Machines

Ok so on Tuesday nights after the twins have their dance class, my Dad picks them up at the studio and takes them to his house until I am done teaching that night. Well he feeds them dinner and this is what they ate tonight:

Bella had:
Soup (Two helpings!)
Broccoli and Cheese
Two Jelly Sandwiches!
Then a sucker followed up with popcorn!!

Brinlee had:
Broccoli and Cheese- She practically the whole package!
Then she drank a full cup of milk
Popped down a number of grapes
Then she had popcorn.

Quinn had:

Ok do you see something here? How does Quinn only eat soup and still have tons of energy? And little miss Brinlee...WOW!! Where does it go? Her stomach isn't even that BIG!

Friday, October 9, 2009

New Changes

Ok so I've neglected our blog for awhile. I am hoping to this weekend or week to change up our blog to a fall theme, add a few posts etc. The newest addition right now is we have a Chat Box on the left sidebar! Leave us a message, ask a question, etc. Just another fun thing. Kids have been busy with being 3yr olds and Brinlee is definitely 'On the Move!' They are loving their dance class, Bella is very technical and Quinn is just there to be the class clown and have fun.

Jay is still working on SODL at the studios and can't wait to get back onto day shifts. He is also starting to do estimates for LightHouse and if you know anyone who is looking, or yourself please contact us: info@holidaylighthouse.com

I am of course busy with the kids and still teaching. Fall festival is right around the corner so I'm getting my students ready for that. I think I have found a fall festival fun day around one of the owns here that we will take the kids to. They have a pumkin patch, hay rides, face paintings, etc. I still ahve to finish up Bella's costume and of course I'm making the girls some halloween bows that I hope to finish today.

So be back soon to check out the 'New Look' it's will be very fall-ish!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Stupidly easy Mashed Potatoes!

Found a great and very easy mashed potatoes side dish! I posted about it on my recipe blog go check it out!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Day at the park, what fun!

Today we took some time at the park to play on the slides, swings, run around and explore. It wasn't too hot today but still hot! The park is shaded really well, under BIG trees. We stayed for about 1hr, Quinn didn't want to leave when we wanted to. They had a blast! Here is a scrapbook page that I did. If you are into digital scrapbooking I used TotallyD Designs kit "All About You." You can find it right now at Inspiration Lane for a limited time at a great price because she is retiring this kit!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Gotta love the Duckie

Had to share this with all of you. Tonight I'm up doing some digital scrapbooking. This is Mommy Time where I can let my creativity flow. (Mom watch out, if I start to show you the digi-scrap world all of that hand scrapbooking you do will go to the dust pile! We could scrap anywhere on our laptops..hint hint!)

I hope to start making more pages, like the one I'm going to show you below and then eventually create a DVD movie with all of them. A digital scrapbook, now if I can get the time to do it all...haha!

Anyway here is a layout that I did tonight with TotallyD Designs kit called "In The Tub". You can fine it here: In The Tub by TotallyD Designs

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Featured on 1and1.com

Ok so how cool is this....Jay's lighting company's website www.holidaylighthouse.com is featured as a template/example on http://www.1and1.com the My Business Site section. It was chosen as a perfect example on how to use My Business Site to create a professional website for a business!!

I design his logo and website. Here is the link:
-Scroll down and click on HOME DECOR and ACCESSORIES, a new window will pop up and Holidaylighthouse.com is the FIRST ONE!!!


Coupon for Robyn's Chic Scraps Eeerie Night 50%off!

Eeerie Night by Robyn's Chic Scraps is a new digital Halloween kit and you can get the full kit (including 29 papers and 54 elements) for 50% off by using the coupon code: eerienight at her Ahhh Scrap store.

Full kit (All Items not shown in preview)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Free Chores Chart at Chubby Cheeks!

Are you looking for a great way to keep your family organized? Keep things clean? Well come on over to Chubby Cheeks Graphix and put in your FREE request for a Chores Chart! We are offering these up FREE until the end of the year, so come get yours or even one for a family member for a Christmas gift or that new mom.

You will get 1 Free Chart, per request (must follow board rules) either a 5x7 or an 8x10 of your choice, same layout as example, you may choose your color pallet or get exactly what is shown. Please include in your request the days and chroes youw ould like listed for that day. When your request in complete it will pe posted in the forum for pick up with a preview but the final product will be emailed to you!

If you are not a Chubby Cheeks member Come Join!! It's Free! We'd love to have you.


Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Monday, September 7, 2009

Fun Day!

Yesterday we took half of the day to get out of the house. Jay had to work but we met him at the park to just walk around, see the parade, Playhouse Disney and of course we ahd to find McQueen and Minnie Mouse!

While Jay worked my Dad, the kids and I walked around, we brought our lunch to save some green and just slowly walked around. Someone next to our table at lunch offered us 1/2 a pizza and taht was very nice of them. Then while waiting for the parade my Dad got us some frozen lemonade and Brinlee loved it! Drinking out of a straw even!! Bella enjoyed the parade even more this time around, Quinn just covered his ears.

Quinn did find something that he wanted in the store, Nanny- be aware you will be asked for something. It was a nice hot but relaxing and different day to just forget about things and have some fun. Not to worry that we had to see certain things, a time-frame, etc.

Here is a fun video of the pictures and videos that I took, Enjoy!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturday Night Fever...

Oh yes I must have a fever or something. I just finished painting the kids bathroom on a whim! Well I have been wanting to paint another room for a long time. Jay would love for us to paint the entire hosue but with 3 kids and us having no time it's kind of impossible so we had to start somewhere.

Below are before pictures, and then after pictures. We had the rubber ducky theme in our old house and loved it! The only thing I need now is Quinn and BElla have towels with their names on them, Brinlee doesn't ahve one yet. I'd like to get them all a rubby ducky hand towel with their names on them.

It feels so good to get it done! I think next will be Quinn's room then the hallway. Might as well work our way arond the house slowly.

**FYI: YES I made all those bows, YES the girls wear them all, YES Bella is stll asking me to make her more, YES I make and sell them just email me at scsimplecreations@gmail.com if you are interested.**

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Funny Brinlee!

Wow a lot to update with pictures but had to get this video up! Brinlee started doing this with the Mr. Potato Head glasses all by herself and does it very single time!! It's too darn cute. Enjoy the video...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Aunt Marlene - Get Well Uncle Dan!

The kids made a video for Uncle Dan to get better. Hes was in a motorcycle accident and the twins decided to mostly make a dance video to cheer him up!!

Also we wanted to wish Aunt Marlene a HAPPY BIRTHDAY today!!!

Here is Brinlee sharring her LOVE!!!

More Walking, and Brinlee really into her Toys

So I wanted to post a few pics. I really hurt my neck this past weekend, I have a severe muscle spasm in my neck. I litterally couldn't move my head at all yesterday and had very strong spasms. I was in a ton of tears at the doctors office. I got a shot in the booty and 2 meds to take. I can't work for 2 day and see him again on Wednesday. I feel a lot better today, but I am still very much sore!!

Anyway I took these pics of Brinlee. The first one is her sitting and watching TV. She looked so darn cute!

Here is Brinlee this morning playing in her play area but really Getting INTO Her Toys!! Silly Monkey!

And some more video of Brinlee walking. She is definately on the move now since she knows how to walk. She is very fast!! She doesn't think twice about it at all now. I'm afraid I'm going to be in BIG TROUBLE once she figures out how to run!!!

A visit with Payton

So on SUnday Brinlee was 13mo and Payton James turned 1 week old and we went to meet her! Our friends Andy and Janelle had Payton on August 16th, 2009 weighing 10lbs. 2oz. We made a short visit on Sunday to meet her and welcome her.

Brinlee wasn't too sure of Payton, but then wanted to touch her. She was kinda wondering why Mommy was holding another baby...I got that LOOK! QUinn and Bella weren't too sure but were more interested in Andy and Janelle's fish.

Here are some pictures of us with Payton!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

We are Walking Strong

Brinlee is definately a walking baby now! We took this video back on August 14th, 2009 when she finally decided to start walking and was sooo excited. She really enjoyed walking back and forth between Daddy and Bella.

As of today, August 22nd, 2009 she is walking all over the house. She does have the drunkn' baby walk but she is FAST! I see in no time she will be chassing the twins around the house. She still definately crawls around, but is really walking more and more each day. She is amazing be a lot. She is even starting to try to communicate with pointing to things too that she wants. I see sign language to start up so we can understand what she wants until she can talk.

Enjoy the video!

Dive on IN!

Well here are some videos and pictures from a few weeks ago of Bella practicing her dives. She loves to dive into the pool! Quinn likes to just splash and then sit on the sidelines and watch. Bella is getting really really good and I feel like we might see swimming lessons in our future with a swim coach?!

First Dance Class cont.

Here are some pictures from their first dance class. I have added some more and got a slideshow going as well.


Here are the videos, you'll enjoy my Dads and my own comentary as you watch these videos. Being a dance teacher why is it always our kids that dont' want to do anything? But maybe at recital Bella will be like me on my first recital TELLING the others what to do! (She is 'Miss Boss lady' by the way at home)

New Look!

So I took the time while the kids were napping, and Jay to update our Blog with a NEW LOOK! I wanted something different, re-arranged things and added some things too. I hope you enjoy it, I will be adding new posts and pictures homefully tonight too!

We miss family dearly and hope that you keep checking back to see what's going on. And to our friends too!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Great Video!!

So Jay got this video from our friend. It's by Evian water and a great commercial! Watch out because Brinlee is ready to learn this routine and break down some moves. Maybe CAD will have a Baby Main Attraction or PEDC will have a We-Mini Company?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Their First Dance class....... Alone!

Well yes it's OFFICAL the twins had their first dance class WITHOUT Mommy teaching! THey are enrolled at CAD taking the Foundations class with Ms. Melissa. I am not teaching them because I want them to have someone else teaching and be able to interact with other kids.

They were very excited about going, and Bella loved her new leotard, she actually picked it out and wanted NO skirt! Quinn could care less but was totally happy. They werent too sure when their names were called to go into the class. Quinn walked right up, and Bella was about to cry but told her that Quinn was going and I would be watching in the window. As you will be able to see in the pictures she held her hands by her face, most of the time.

They did really well. It took Bella about 20min to actaully warm up and enjoy herself. Quinn...LOL he just the HAM of the class. You will be able to see when I get the videos up that he was happy with the jumping, rolling and fun stuff.

I think as the weeks go by they will definately do better and really get into it. Bella saw the pictures and video to day and said, 'Yes I want to go again.' I asked her what she wasn't supposed to do next week and she said, 'Rub my eyes.' I'm not making them go, if they want to take they will. It's so weird seeing them take class, I can still remember my first class at ADC. How time flies....

Here are a few pictures, I will upload the rest to Photobucket and post a link tomorrow, there were too many to post.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Yummy Tummy Eats

Well it's been busy at the Cone household. But wanted to let you know that we are still alive, just busy as usual. I recently had my computer crash and am very frustrated but will get over it and everything eventaully will be back to normal.

I was cooking the other night and going through recipes and hate that they are all over the place, so I tried figuring out how I could keep them all in 1 place and not loose them. there are many software programs out there, tried them, but I can't access them from my friends house, parents house, etc. So I figured I'd make a Recipe Blog! Wow!! So I'll be working on it, adding recipes as I go at my own leisure. THis way I have access to them and you can too!

Once everything is set up I will post a link to it, as well as put it in my sidebar.
So keep checking back.

OK here is a link: http://yummytummyeats.blogspot.com

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A day at Disney's Animal Kingdom

We spent the afternoon at Disney today. I wanted to ge tthe kids out of the house, we spend way too much time here and this was a FREE thing to do. (That's all we can afford right now). So away we went in the afternoon when it wasn't as hot outside, only 95 degrees!

We first went to the Safari, and the twins weren't too sure, but as soon as they saw the animals and could take pictures with thier cameras, Thanks Uncle Mike and Aunt Debbie, they were all into it. I have posted pics below in this post for you. We got to see, hippos, giraffes, warthogs, cheetahs, and much more!

We then took a train ride to Rafiki's Planet watcha nd saw reptiles, a hawk, and Bella took a picture with Jiminy Cricket. We also went into the petting zoo! Bella petted a sheep, Quinn just wanted to look. Then we went back on the train and we were on the hunt for Minnie Mouse.

Well....we found her! Yes, I can't beleive it we actually got to take a picture with Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse without crying, being scared or anything! She even gave Minnie a hug and mIckey too. Quinn also did! I think we have broken the ice and they are starting to like the characters. I asked if they wanted to see Goofy, and it was a definate NO.

So after that we went home. It wasn't a lot that we did in the park but enough to enjoy the afternoon and get away. That's what I love about being down here, gets my mind off things, and away from home.

Do the 2 step!

OH YES we are starting to take steps without holding onto things!! Brinlee, our baby is no longer a baby, but turning into a little toddler, litteraly! I'm so sad. Last night Ms. Brinlee got brave enough after some coaxing and took a few steps. She is still cruising by holding onto things but now getting brave enough to let-go and try a step or two. You can see in the video she claps for herself too!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Top 10

Taking some time for myself and joining in on TDR Blog Assignment!

My top 10 highlights of the summer are...

10. The beautiful weather we have in FL.
9. Getting glasses so I can read!
8. Getting my van fixed/up to date so it won't break down.
7. Almost halfway through a book, that I can't put down!
6. Brinlee smiling every second, even inbetween cries!
5. Seeing Bella really swim all by herself.
4. Having my Mom here for 2 weeks, spending time with her.
3. Teaching wonderful students.
2. Seeing Quinn and Bella roll-play.
1. Celebrating Quinn and Bella turining 3 and Brinlee turning 1 with family and friends.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Crafting Day

Well today I was in a crafting mood. So I tired to get the twins to do a craft, making yarn bowls. At first they were very excited about it, helped me pick out what colors they wanted, cut the yarn, etc. Anyway when we got to dipping the yarn in the glue...FORGET IT! They didn't want to get their hands dirty or sticky. So, you guessed it, I ended up doing the project! Bella ended up handing me the yarn and which colors she wanted but that was about it, Quinn just wanted to go play his video game.

I don't think that they will turn out, they are drying still. I think I needed to let the yarn soak in the glue longer, and I only had so much glue. Here are some pictures....

Then later today while they were all napping, including Jay he needed to sleep before going in to work tonight, I decided to make myself a purse. I'm in a sewing mood. I really want to sew a mei tai but don't have enough fabric or the right kind. Darn!! So I made this reversible purse for myself, and I just finished an organizer that goes inside of it, no picture of that. But here it is, Quinn was my model that volunteered!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Yummy Dinner: Stuffed Pasta Shells

Well I made this again for dinner tonight and thought I would share. It's so yummy even Brinlee loves it! So please try it out, it's very easy and a great leftover dinner as well. (Be sure to add the egg, I forgot to do this tonight, oops! that's what happens when you have twins that are screaming at the top of their lungs. Anyway it still turned out very yummy!)
Stuffed Pasta Shells

1 box jumbo pasta shells, 12oz
1.5lbs sausage, Italian sausage (I used the links)
2 cloves of garlic, through garlic press
1 minced onion
1 egg
1 tablespoon tarragon
1 tablespoon parsley
1 teaspoon Tu-Ars Seasoning
1.5 cups pasta sauce
2 cups grated mozzarella cheese
1 cup grated italian cheese blend

How to make:
1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Cook shell acroding to packaged directions, drain.

3.Mix sausage (take out of casings), garlic, onion, parsley, tarragon, Tu-Ars Seasoning, egg, 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese, italian cheese blend. The best way to mix all of this is with your hands.

4. Stuff shells with meat mixture. The easiest way to do this is with a small ice cream scoop, cookie scoop.

5. Cover bottom of pan with 1/2 cup of pasta sauce. Place stuffed shells in pan. Sprinkle with rest of pasta sauce and mozzarella cheese.

6. Cook uncovered for 40min. Serve warm with garlic bread.

This makes approx. 26 shells. Please leave a comment once you make these and let me know what you think!

Also if you'd like to get the Tu-Ars Seasoning you can!
You can order right online and get it mailed to you!! This seasoning is multi-purpose and you can use it on anything. We love it!! If you live in Clermont, FL or nearby, there are 3 places that carry it now, check out the Tu-Ars website at: http://tuarsseasoning.webs.com/ or email them at: tuars01@gmail.com

Happy Eating!!

Birthday Rewind

Well the Birthday craziness has ended in the Cone Family household. The cake has been eaten, the presents opened, the smiles recorded and the memories have been canned up for rememberance. We had a great time, even in these hard times.

Quinn and Bella turned the BIG 3 and brinlee turn the BIG 1! If you weren't here to celebrate with us we missed you dearly. We started out by letting Nanny and Gramps taking the kids on Friday and they spent some time at Magic Kingdom and at Old Key West Pool with the Englers. They had a blast. While they were having fun, Jay was working hard and Me well I was fighting with frosting. I was baking all 3 cakes to save money, NOT TIME! They turned out FABULOUS though...'Watch out Publix!' Then we all met at OKW to have a nice dinner in, put party favors together and relax.

Then on Saturday it was PARTY TIME! The day started out great, but then of course when it was time to go to the park it started to rain, or should I say POUR! So we sat in the car for about 30min. There was another party going on at the pavillion and taking up all the tables, so yep Mommy went over to ask for at least 2 tables. (At least they were nice). It poured, it stopped, it poured again but we enjoyed our family and friends. We had food, cake, the park, some crafts, presents and most important the friends that we love that came to celebrate with us!!

Then come Sunday, it's Quinn and Bella's 3rd BIRTHDAY! (We also celebrated Brinlee's too of course!) We went to Disney's Yacht and Beach to have a character breakfast. It was very yummy!! The twins wanted to take pictures of the characters but not be near them or take a picture with them. Brinlee was terrified, go figure my kids like them from afar but not next to them. Emma LOVED them and wanted to take pictures with them all morning!!

After breakfast we went to Epoct and walked around. We saw the Nemo ride, all the fish, turtles, stingrays, etc. We saw figment and played in the jumping waters too. It was a lot of fun. After a few hours in the park we decided to go and eat at a local mexican restaurant and then go back to Nanny and Gramps and go....you guessed it Swimming! What a day to wrap up the Birthday Day!

You can see a slideshow of all the pictures in the right sidebar!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dancin' with Ellen!

So today we watched the Ellen Show, just love her! anyway the twins wanted to dance today and I told them that Ellen dances. Quinn said, "She does? I dance." I said ok, just watch and you can dance with her. So of course I run to get the camera, because he is just too darn cute dancing, well lets say that he does some moves that I've never seen him do before. TOO DARN CUTE! Bella danced a little too and Brinlee rolls into the picture at the end...LOL! Maybe I can send it into Ellen?!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Bow-utiful Night

Last night I took some time for myself to be creative. The kids went down around 8:30pm with Brinle falling asleep in the saucer, but easily went to sleep in her crib...for a few hours lets say. Quinn was a cranky mess! With no nap yesterday it was defiantely bedtime! Bella of course wanted to act like an 'angel' because her brother was getting in trouble.

So from 8:30pm-10:30pm I set up my craft table and off to work I went! Jay went to work on ideas for Light House so I had some time to make the girls bows adn watch 'Next Food Network Star'. I first worked on Birthday bows for Bella, she still actaully fits into her 18mo Birthday Girl' t-shirt so I made her some pink/white birthday bows to wear all next week. She was so proud of them, she got to see them before she fell asleep - oh and she told me she wanted 2 BIG BOWS!! That's my girl.

I then worked on matching bows for Bella and Brinlee to wear at their party that matched their birthday summer dresses. I was very happy that I had ribbon to match and enough. With these hard times, I haven't bought any ribbon in MONTHS :( THey turned out so freakin' cute!

So to make all 5 bows, clean up, etc. They took me about 2hrs. Not bad! So of course I'm in the mood to make more bows, they are time consuming but when I'm in that zone I go to town.

After I was of course done, took some time on lovely Facebook, Brinlee had to wake up. Poor thing is teething her 2 top 1yr molars. So some Infant Tylenol and some cudding did it for a little bit, then she fell asleep on the floor. Of course then when I put her back down, Bella has to wake up because I turned off her tv. So I got to bed at 1:30am. But I got their very 'Bow-utiful' bows done! I know you are asking...'well I want to see PICS NOW SARAH!' So here you go!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Share or not to Share?

Well this was a fun night, since Brinlee is now on Sippy cups, since she discovered the twins, she loves taking their cups. At least Bella likes to share with Brinlee there isn't too much of a battle. Brinlee sure does have a little attitude about things. We are trying to teach her to 'share' but for an 11mo old that's hard to do. Here is a cute video! Enjoy!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Standing Tall!

Yes the day has come where we are standing tall all by OURSELF! Brinlee today was standing by herself, in one spot of course, not walking yet. I find her now pulling up on things, letting go and playing with a toy. She seems very happy that she can do this too! It only lasts for about 5 seconds, which is long enough for Mommy to snap a picture!

Here are some pics of our little baby!!


Friday, July 3, 2009

Friday Update

One again I'm slacking on our blog...that's a Mommy's life huh? I'll try to wrap up what has been going on with all of us today.

Brinlee: Wow what a fast growing little girl! She is now on whole milk. No problems what-so-ever with the change. We started her a bit early because finances are very tight, she did fine and I think is stronger than ever! She is now on completely whole foods, no pureed food, some things I have to mash, but mainly cut into small pieces. She now eats, mixed veggies, bananas, applesauce, pears, blueberries, fish sticks, mac n' cheese, pasta, cherrios, pudding, jello, juices- not citrus, and pretty mucha nything else she can get her hands on!! She is definately transitioning from one thign to another, as far as standing. She is not standing by herself without holding onto things yet. And we are not walking. However she is a very fast crawler!

Bella: She is our little helper, tattle-tale, attention getter, yes all around GIRL! She loves helping out and folding clothes or doing small tasks. Her job now is to make sure that Finna has water in her dog bowl. So she takes her plastic cup, fills it from the fridge and even puts it in the fridge to keep it cold then fills the dogs dish. Too cute! Bella is doing good on the potty, we had a few accidents here and there but now I thinkw e are getting a hang of it and actually going to the potty by ourselves and washing our hands. YES!

Quinn: Let me just say BOY BOY BOY! We are definately still into our tantrums, I guess it's just the age. We whine about everything and anything, getting him to talk things out, understnad things is hard. However I shouldn't say he doesn't understnad things, he does it's his actions and just not wanting to listen I think/ He teases Bella like crazy with hitting, bitting and also teasing the dog. This is something we are working on. Eating is a challenge with his as well. He just wants SNACKS all the time so this is where our tantrums come in....a long process here for this. Potty training is coming along, he still goes in his underwear, which I don't knwo why so we have to keep a close eye on him. The only thing I can think of is that he just wnats the attention right now! There is a lot of yelling in the house because he hits, bites, screams, throws tantrums, constantly teases the dog (she wil bite him oneday, honestly I don't blame her). He is very smart, loves to do puzzles with me, make-believe, count, etc. So I'm still trying to figure out what is going on....

The twins do play together very well for the most part, of course they have their moments. THem being in seperate rooms, nighttime routine has been better, and they are sleeping through the night for the exception of Brinlee. They play very well with Brinlee, I don't think Quinn gets the idea that she doesn't know any better when Brinlee takes his toys. Poor guy. Bella loves to share her things with Brinlee and sharing a room. She calls it 'THE GRISL ROOM'

Jay: First I have to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It was yesterday!! Jay is working everyday still, and trying to pick up overtime whenever he can get it. It's July already and we just put together a flyer to post on his website for Light House..check it out! http://www.holidaylighthouse.com We are hoping that Light House gets even more business this year!

Sarah: Do you really need to know about moi? Yep still keeping things as sane as I can around here. Taking care of the kids and the house during the day and teaching at night. Summer sucks for me since I don't get many hours at all. We ahve asked for my fathers help to put ourselves on a very strict budget. It's going to be rough but worth it in the long run! I try to keep some 'Mommy Time' by designing siggies, blinkies, and more on 3 sites. This is my relax time late at night.

So as a family we are doing the best we can and surviving. This economy sucks but we ahve to keep our heads up even when it looks really really bad. We are enjoying the times at home sicne we can't go anywhere. We are gearing up for the Twins Birthday on the 19th, and Brinlee's 1st Birthday on the 23rd! One party to celebrate too!! So that's about it, I know I'm so slacking on keeping this blog up, I think about it then never get to it, another thing to try to schedule into my very booked schedule...LOL!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Disney Time!

So Aunt Marlene and Josh came to visit and we got some great pictures, we had a lot of fun at the parks. We saw a lot of fishes, riding rides, laughing and having just plain fun!! We can't wait to do it again, thanks for a lot of fun ;)

Click to play this Smilebox photobook: Marlene's Visit - Part 1
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OK and here is part 2!
Click to play this Smilebox photobook: Marlene's Visit- Part 2
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Friday, June 19, 2009

Strawberry Shorcake - The High Life!

Alright since summer is here, well it's always here in FL...on 'The Dressing Room Forum' this is my post for the EC.

Strawberry Shortcake...Very Easy:

What you need
  • container of strawberries, depends on how many you want :)
  • cup of sugar
  • frozen pound cake, I suggest SaraLee brand
  • Cool Whip Light

Of course let your pound cake and Cool Whip sit out to defrost, this is only if you are going to serve right away otherwise put in the fridge. Clean and slice your strawberries. In a small saucepan put in your strawberries, and 1 cup of sugar. Cooking on low heat continuously stir until warm and sugar is melted. Be sure not to burn. You may also add a touch of vanilla for an added flavoring. Take mixture of the heat and set aside for about 5min. Slice your pound cake, top with the strawberries, slightly warm, top with a generous amount of Cool Whip and ENJOY the High Life!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer Days

Well it's summertime and my idea of a perfect summer day is sunny, about 84 degrees, a few clouds and a light breeze. It's just warm enough to go in the pool but not scorching hot! On days like this I love just laying by the pool, going to the park (if it's not crowded) and just enjoying it. We do get some days like this in FL, but most are very humid!

We mostly get our prefect summer days like this not until the fall, like in October/November. When this time rolls around we really enjoy going to Disney and just walking arund for a few hours, the parks aren't very crowded and we actually can ejoy ourselves.

So if you are ever thinking of coming to visit Disney and you hate the crowds, the humidity, the rain, think about coming in Spet/Oct/Nov. Yes you will the daily afternoon rain taht last about 30min, big deal! This is the time to come because the crowds are low and the weather is nice!

No more Website

Well these tough times have really hit us hard! Today we have made the decision to cancel our website for the family as well as the emails that go along with it. Sometimes you have to do what is best for you and your family to make ends meet, making decisions that you don't want to, but will help us keep a roof over our head and food in our tummies must come FIRST!

If you used to contact us through our website please do so here, you may also contact Jay through: www.holidaylighthouse.com

We definately want to keep in touch with our family and friends so pleae, visit this blog Frequently!! We love you all, but need to do what is best for US as a FAMILY.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Price of Children

I know I haven't posted in awhile, things are crazy as usual. I have been trying to keep up with everything...work, recitals, kids, bills, helping a friend with her website and blog, keeping in touch with friends and family, the house, fun time for me and family, update everyone on pictures, oh and sleep!

Anyway I got this email about a week ago from a good family friend, Mike. I saved the email because I wanted to share it with everyone. It's great! Enjoy!!

Here's something absolutely positive for a change. I have seen the breakdown of the cost of raising a child, but this is the first time I have seen the rewards listed this way.

It's nice.

The government recently calculated the cost of raising a child from birth to 18 and came up with $160,140 for a middle-income family.

Talk about price shock! And that doesn't even touch college tuition.

But $160,140 isn't so bad if you break it down.

Look at it this way, $160,140 is:

$8,896.66 a year,
$741.38 a month,
$171.08 a week.
A mere $24..24 a day!
Just over a dollar an hour.

Still, you might think the best financial advice is: “Don't have children if you want to be 'rich'.”

Actually, it is just the opposite.

What do you get for your $160,140?

* Naming rights. First, middle, and last!
* A little glimpses of God every day.
* Giggles under the covers every night.
* More love than your heart can hold.
* Butterfly kisses and Velcro hugs.
* Endless wonder over rocks, ants, clouds and warm cookies.
* A hand to hold, usually covered with jelly or chocolate.
* A partner for blowing bubbles and flying kites.
* Someone to laugh yourself silly with, no matter what the boss said or how your stocks performed that day.

For $160,140, you never have to grow up. You get to:
* finger-paint,
* carve pumpkins,
* play hide-and-seek,
* catch lightning bugs,
* never stop believing in Santa Claus.

You have an excuse to:
* keep reading the Adventures of Piglet and Pooh,
* watch Saturday morning cartoons,
* go to Disney movies
* wish on stars.

You get to frame rainbows, hearts, and flowers under refrigerator magnets and collect spray painted noodle wreaths for Christmas, hand prints set in clay for Mother's Day and cards with backward letters for Father's Day.

For a mere $24.24 a day, there is no greater bang for your buck.

You get to be a hero just for:
* retrieving a Frisbee off the garage roof,
* taking the training wheels off a bike,
* removing a splinter,
* filling a wading pool,
* coaxing a wad of gum out of bangs, and
* coaching a baseball team that never wins but always gets treated to ice cream regardless.

You get a front row seat in history to witness the:
* First step,
* First words,
* First bra and/or jock strap,
* First date,
* First time behind the wheel.

You get to be immortal. You get another branch added to your family tree, and if you're lucky, a long list of limbs in your obituary called grandchildren and great grandchildren. You get an education in psychology, nursing, criminal justice, communications and human sexuality that no college can match.

In the eyes of a child, you rank right up there under God.

You have all the power to heal a boo-boo, scare away the monsters under the bed, patch a broken heart, police a slumber party, ground them forever, and love them without limits, so one day they will, like you, love without counting the cost.

That is quite a deal for the price!!!!!!!

Love and enjoy your children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren!
It's the best investment you'll ever make!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wii Little Self

Well on Saturday Jay was playing the Wii and the twins wanted to play too. Ok so I thought 2 year olds couldn't figure things out like this, but was I wrong. They loved the bowling! Bella is a pro!! Just show her how to do it and she will do it. She played by herlse, Quinn played with Daddy's help. Well you can see from the video and pictures below that you better watch out because Bella will beat your BUTT in Bowling!!

Click to play this Smilebox postcard: Wii Little Self
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Monday, May 18, 2009

New foods

Well I started making some more homemade baby food for Brinlee this morning. She has had pretty much the same stuff since we started her on solids, and hasn't been eating much solids lately so since she is almost 10mo. old it's time to step it up.

I found a great site called, http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com they have great suggestions, recipes and ideas. So it's time to start planning on what to make, freeze and for Brinlee to start trying. I made her the usual this morning of sweet potatoes - made those really quick in my 'Just Right' Potatoes Sack!, peas, mixed sweet potatoes and peas, bananas, and kiwi mixed with bananas.

Since I had eggs this morning and don't eat the yolk, I scrambled up the yolk and tried feeding that to her. I got some pretty interesting faces from her! Of course she's never had it before so she wasn't too happy about it or sure. We will try again in 2 day and see.

If you have any suggestions please let me know, willing to take some on and share recipes as well.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Get on up!

Ok well today was a long day, Brinlee had no nap! The past 2 days she has been on full throddle and not wanting to nap. As I type here she is back up and wide awake with Jay.

So....after feeding her dinner, giving her a bath, I rocked her to sleep. Not kidding SOUNDLY to sleep. Went to lay her down in her crib and UP she is becfore I could leave the room. So I leave the room to let her cry it out, had to do that with the twins. Well she isn't liking it, Jay was changing the twins for bed after their bath. He comes out and says, "You've gotta go look at Brinlee." Well this is what I find......

YES SHE PULLED HERSELF UP TO STANDING!! Little shit! Why do see us having to lower her crib another level already and CIO going on every night for awhile. My little baby is growing up way too fast already and she's not 1 yet! I have a feeling she will be possibly walking by her 1st Birthday. What do you think?
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