People always tell me, 'You are so lucky to have twins!.' Yes we are definitely blessed but however we have double of everything at one time! The homework at least is pretty much the same in their classes, but staying on top of who has what due, or what papers come home for which one can get comfusing. At least the homework is the same!!
Right now I am scanning in each of the papers that they have brought home. I have a bin I keep all of their papers in and at CHristmas time they will go through the bin with me and keep only a few that they really like. All of the papers I scan in, I am going to make into a book and they will each get to keep the book for memories and later to show their children! My Mother bought a kit that you can do this at home with. What a great memory for them to have, gotta love technology these days.
It is taking me awhile to scan each one in, as our scanner isn't lightening speed, but oh well. As soon as I"m done at least I will be caught up and hopefully be able to scan in their papers each week instead of after 3 weeks!
I am also trying to fill a few orders from friends for Cre8tive Cre8tions, as well as make a bunch of stuff for the craft shows coming up and to sell items at the studio. I want to have a variety and I think this year will be good as my Mother is making a few new things and my neighbor Sheri is also going in with us and creating some wonderful items!!
I have also been asked by 2 of my students to make their sweet 16 birthday cakes and another students grandmothers 75th birthday! Really, maybe I should just open a store to sell my items and creative party planning services?! Anyone want to front the costs for it?
Oh well, I better continue to scan in these papers, yes I have been double-tasking or maybe even triple-tasking doing about 3 things at once. It keeps things interesting and my brain working even if some times I don't even feel like ym brain works correctly. Hopefully one day I will get our debt gone, my to-do list done and be able to take a real vacation!! Until then...BACK TO WORK on my TO DO LIST!
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