
Welcome to our blog. I don't have time to post all the time, but do keep things updated here and there. Enjoy some of our crazy stories of life! Labels, followers and Archive are at the bottom of our blog now. Be sure to also check out the different pages too.


Christmas Eve: December 24th Christmas Day: December 25th!! Kids go back to school: January 4th

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Getting Organized

This is a quick post...just updating things before major craziness starts with School for the kids, dance for me and much more. It's that time of year where everything starts and summer doesn't seem like it lasted long enough to actually sit down and relax or get things we wanted to get done, get done.

I hope to get some of the kids birthday pictures posted soon, we had  a blast taking the pictures with Michelle from Hill's Milestone Photography, as usual she did an outstanding job! You can see some of the pictures in our slideshow on the header of our blog. The party was a HUGE HIT!

More to come later, time to clean up around here and take the kids swimming before the rain comes and I have to go to work!


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